A Guide to the zkSync Era Airdrop

Ethereum Stamped Newsletter

Exploring the ZkSync Era Mainnet: A Guide to Airdrops, DApps, and More

🪄Smart summary:

The zkSync Era mainnet is now available to everyone, allowing users to deposit funds and interact with dApps. Several dApps have already started to support zkSync, including SpaceFi, Rhino, Orbiter, Mint Square, and Argent. The criteria for the zkSync airdrop is unknown, but Arbitrum provides some clues. Additionally, a list of people to follow on Twitter has been provided for further information.

Finally! #zkSync ERA mainnet is here, #airdrop soon? 🪂

Missed out on $ARB? Don't make that mistake again.

Follow these steps ASAP and seize your chance to earn a six-figure payout 👇🧵:


zkSync team just launched a new stage.

zkSync Era mainnet is now available to everyone - users, developers, and projects.


Light and Era now stand alone as two separate networks.

In ZkSync Era, you can deposit funds and start interacting with dApps right away.

Ready to dive into the ZkSync Era mainnet?

Start by using the official bridge of zkSync, which allows you to transfer assets between Ethereum and zkSync seamlessly:


Several dapps have already started to fully support ZkSync, here are some that we can use:

  1. SpaceFi

Make swaps and provide liquidity:

  1. Rhino

Bridge your $ETH to zkSync:

  1. Orbiter

Bridge your $ETH to zkSync:

Kill two birds with one stone, because Orbiter doesn't have a token, and you can also get an airdrop.

  1. Mint Square

Mint, buy and sell your own NFT's:

  1. Argent

Sign up for the waitlist:


You can check the full list of dapps that have started to support Era at https://t.co/oFvDGFNdfu (put the "Live on Era" filter).


Nobody knows the criteria for the zkSync airdrop, but Arbitrum provides some clues: How often you use the bridge, how frequently and in what volume you transact, your dapp interactions. Keep an eye out for these factors.

Also be sure to check out my zxSync light guide:


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