100th Edition

Jul 3, 2023

Ethereum Stamped Newsletter
Celebrating the 100 editions of Flippening

Hi there πŸ‘‹πŸ»,

Welcome to the 100th edition of the Flippening! Reflecting on this milestone, the team at Flippening swells with a profound sense of gratitude. It has been a long journey that would not have been possible without the support of readers like you.

The journey of Flippening so far

Here's the πŸŽ₯ Journey of a 100 Editions: Watch Our Story Unfold

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Our Bull Market Ride: Rising with Ethereum πŸš€

We started our journey on August 6, 2021. That was right after the day Ethereum completed the β€˜London Hard Fork’ upgrade, its famous step towards ETH 2.0!

The very first edition of Flippening ⏬

Screenshot of the first edition of the newsletter

During the bear market, we learned that motivation can be temporary!

The only thing that kept us going was the vision to de-clutter Web3 for all those who were still fighting their way through the bear market. The appreciation mails that we received from several of our readers kept the fire burning. If you've ever sent one, know this: we are infinitely grateful.

Today, we believe that Flippening is much more than a newsletter. It’s a community. A space for those who believe in the transformative power of Web3.

Right on the Money or Way Off Track? 🎯 or 😒

Let's take a look at some of our predictions/opinions in retrospect and find out how fared

Let's start with the hits first! 🎯

1. ENS Airdrop would be big (5th Edition- Sept 3, 2021) βœ…

The ENS airdrop turned out to be excess of $10,000 paydays for many participants. It was announced just two months after we published.

2. Zero Knowledge proofs to become extremely popular as Ethereum scaling picks pace (20th Edition- Dec 17, 2021) βœ…

Ethereum scalbility owes its progress to ZK systems today. zkSync, Starkware and the likes are examples.

3. Aave backed LENS protocol will lead the Web3 social media revolution (41st Edition- May 13, 2022) βœ…

Although Web3 social media revolution is still far today, the LENS protocol profiles that were being given away for free during the coverage, now have a floor price of $200.

3. Arbitrum airdrop actionable (75th Edition- Jan 07, 2023) βœ…

The $ARB airdrop has arguably been one of the biggest airdrops so far this year. We got 2250 $ARB tokens ourselves.

Arbitrum airdrop

And now, time for the ones where we went absolutely wrong 😒

1. Memecoin frenzy will not stay around (13th Edition- Oct 29, 2021) ❌

The craze and madness is still here. And doesn't seem to fade.

2. Terra's stablecoin (UST) looks promising (15th Edition- Nov 12, 2021) ❌

The Luna Foundation Group turned into ashes as it vanished $50 Billion into thin year

3. MetaMask airdrop to happen by 2022 end (24th Edition- Jan 08, 2022) ❌

Now it seems we were too ambitious here.

Where do we go from here? πŸš₯

We have embarked on a journey to become a trusted voice in Web3. The next milestone is to declutter Web3 for a billion people. The road ahead is long! But now, we truly believe that we are closer to the Flippening than ever before.

As part of the celebrations of the 100th edition, we have partnered with 100 companies and platforms that are creating a substantial impact in Web3.

Know about it directly from the different teams at protocols such as LayerSwap, Hedera, Polkadex and several others. We will be releasing details of exclusive interviews with these companies and their founding teams. Keep an eye out for our special edition emails. Here's what you can expect:

  • Their journey and what worked for them and what didn't
  • Actionables for you
  • Future roadmap


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